Thursday, August 15, 2019

5 Design Tips For An Effective Website Design

Thinking about launching your website to generate more sales? You need to keep one most important thing in mind.
No matter how promising your services and products are, if your website doesn’t come with an attractive and efficient design, you are going to lose money instead of making it.
Have an effective website design is crucial for every business. You need to ensure that when a customer comes on your site, he stays there for some time instead of exiting it the very second.
"Every business needs a digital presence, because buying behavior has changed," said Renee Bauer, lead content strategist at HELLO Marketing Agency. "People complete most of their research online before they reach out to a salesperson – if they do at all. If you're not there, or your website makes you look dated, people will go straight to your competitors."
If you have a small startup, you cannot afford to lose a customer which is one of the most important reasons to why you need a solid and efficient website design.
There are many website design agencies in Dubai that can help you out efficiently when it comes to launching and developing an effective website.
But if you are short on investment, the following tips will help you design an effective website.

1.       Be concise and clear
When customers open your website, they are looking for information and if they are unable to find it, chances are they will just close the window and never come back on your website.
"An effective website should enable the visitor to find out who your company is and what you offer quickly," said Clare Watson, operations director at Zolv. "It should be a hub for everything related to your business; if there's something a customer wants to know about you, they should be able to find it on your website."
Along with knowing everything about your business, your customers should be able to trust your products and you need to provide them with every reason to why you can help them out.
Make sure you have put everything on the table (read website) and you are good to go.

2.       Make sure to create an engaging website
We have to say that you will only be able to make your website effective if it is engaging. Businesses only grow through having beneficial relationships and the most important one being the one you have with your customers.
In order to create an engaging website, you need to understand your target audience and then create a design that will resonate with them. You need to invest in customer research and understand they psych before you go ahead with the design.
Another thing that you need to remember when designing your website is to include call-to-action so it generates sales rapidly.

3.      Ease of access
"The goal of your site is to make it easier and less expensive to run your business," said Meliones. "Having your contact information or another means of contacting you on your site makes it possible to connect with prospects that have 'shown intent.”
Ease of access to information is an essential component of a business website. Customers always have questions and if they’re unable to engage with you, they will most likely move to another brand.

4.      Optimize your website for mobile
Did you know that 70% of your customers browse through websites from their smartphones?
And did you know that not all websites are mobile friendly? Well, you do now. You need to ensure that your website doesn’t bounce on mobile devices and have a friendly-user interface.
It has become highly necessary to ensure your website can be engaged on all fronts and running it on mobile devices is one of them.

5.      Use SEO to your advantage
SEO is one of the latest techniques that you can use to your advantage in order to gain recognition ande top rankings on Google.
Your business needs to grow if you want to generate sales and the only way to do that is by increasing your website’s visibility on Google.
"The higher you rank in search results, the more traffic your website receives, the more business opportunities you have," Brownrigg said.
So, get in touch with an SEO expert, publish blogs regularly and you will have everything under control.

So, these are the top 5 tips for designing an effective website. if you have any other suggestions in this regard, do let us know though your comments below.